Skill #5
Outcome Orientation
Create clear and compelling goals, starting with the end in mind
Plotting your journey...
Imagine you are going for a drive. What is your destination, what route will you take, do you want to take the fast or the scenic route?
Knowing where you want to end up makes it much easier to work out how best to get there?
"go after your dream no matter how unattainable others think it is"
Keeping the end in mind allows you to establish clarity and focus
Conversations with others open all sorts of possibilities and unless we have a clear idea of what we are ultimately aiming for, we will not be sure whether we are moving towards this or away from it. Keeping the end outcome in mind acts as a beacon to move towards, one conversation at a time and helps us move through the individual issues that could take us completely off track.
In our example, when you are going for a drive, it's more than just knowing the best route, it's also about navigating life's ups and downs (the roadblocks and detours). As long as I am still heading in the direction of my destination, I am making progress towards reaching it.
Try this....
Think about your future and set goals that you want to achieve.
1. In 6 months :____________
2. In 1 year :____________
3. In 2 years :____________
4. In 5 years :____________
What did you learn, and what could you do differently now?
Take the test...
Do you want to understand your current level of skill?
Why not take the Courageous 8 Assessment by clicking the image below....