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Skill #4

Ask more great questions

Asking the right questions to deepen the conversation and understand their point of view


Fill in the missing pieces...


Imagine you are doing a big puzzle, and each question you ask fills in another piece that helps you to see where you can go next, and what the real picture looks like. 


What questions could you ask that will create the clearest picture?

"you can't solve a problem until you ask the right question"

Asking questions not only builds empathy, it helps you connect deeply and develop trust

We always have more to learn, and developing a curious mindset is a skill to last a lifetime.  Challenging your perspectives and assumptions through asking curious questions opens up all sorts of possibilities as you discover more about the other person and the situation.  It helps to build your understanding and find out what you don’t know.


As the example above illustrates, when you think of the puzzle above, each piece has a contribution to building the whole picture. Which questions can you use to fill in the missing pieces that help to explain the person or the situation?

Try this....

1. Have a conversation with someone, but, there is a twist, you can only ask questions.


2. Every time they respond, you have to return with another question. 


3. What did you learn, and what could you do differently now?

Take the test...

Do you want to understand your current level of skill?


Why not take the Courageous 8 Assessment by clicking the image below.... 


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